Sep 5, 2008

The Republican National Contradiction

Well folks, I survived. I vowed to watch the entire DNC and RNC and listen to both sides of the story. As a wrap up, here are a few of my favorite contradictions from the RNC this week:

  • John McCain, how can say that you are for small town values, community colleges, community service...when Wednesday night of your convention relentlessly bashed "community organizers?"
  • How can you be against big unions, but for the working man?
  • How can you be for families with special needs children but be against a bill that grants mandatory health insurance to all children in America?
  • How can you be for bi-partisanship and reaching across party lines when your entire convention was focused on attacking and mocking the Democratic Party, the "Liberal Elite Media" and anyone else in America who doesn't believe what you do?
  • How can you tout "change in Washington" as a part of what you offer as President? How can "change in Washington" come from another Conservative Republican ticket which includes a 72 year old rich white man who has been in Washington for over 25 years, believes in war, national debt and tax breaks for the rich?
And my favorite contradiction of all:
  • How can you believe in the sanctity of life, of protecting the unborn, of standing up for helpless children...but celebrate the killing of helpless deer, moose and caribou; pass a law that permits helpless wolves to be killed from the air; and protest the helpless Polar Bear being put on the Endangered Species list. WTF?!
In an effort to end on a lighter note, the most entertaining collaboration of contradictions was sent to me by my brother Patrick, a huge fan of The Daily Show. Watch and enjoy!