Jun 16, 2008

NSC Blog #1: Union Square or Bryant Park?

Whew, what a week to be a Googler!

Last week, I attended the ultimate corporate KoolAid drinking event, our National Sales Conference (NSC) in San Francisco. I have a number of exciting experiences, stories and pictures that I want to share- so I am going to post a series of blogs dedicated to NSC. Before I get too excited, I must state that these are my own opinions and experiences and do not necessarily reflect that of my most glorious employer, Google.

NSC is a once-in-a-lifetime event, but lucky for me it takes place once a year! 1500 members of the Google sales team gather together to listen to and learn from the brightest minds in business. This year's speaker line up included the CMO of eBay, the CFO of the NFL and the CMO of Visa. Then, after a day filled with amazing content, we kill all of our newly-educated brain cells by consuming copious amounts of alcohol (a.k.a. “celebrating our success” and/or “teambuilding”).

This year the conference began with a lovely cocktail reception on Tuesday evening in the middle of San Francisco's Union Square. Under the stars- and the equally glorious bright lights of Macy's, Neiman Marcus and Saks- we sipped drinks and re-connected with team members from offices across the US and Japan. The set up totally reminded me and my co-worker Andra of the tents at Bryant Park for NYC Fashion Week. The production of the event was top notch and it definitely set the tone for the remainder of the week.

In my next blog post I will share the highlight of the conference...our time with Martha Stewart!

I loved that the tents were clear!
The exciting energy of the evening definitely set the tone for a great conference.