Jun 4, 2008

A Blog about "The Bump"

It goes without saying that I am ecstatic about Barack Obama's decisive clinch of the final delegates needed to receive the Democratic nomination last evening. I found his speech to be moving and appropriate, specifically when he honored the achievements of Hillary Clinton, and when he spoke about being humbled by his own accomplishments and the challenge of what lies ahead.

There was a moment that stood out to me last night- the unexpected intimate gesture of a victorious fist bump between Michelle and Barack prior to him taking the podium. I found this moment to be extremely genuine and tender, only enhancing the likability of the potential First Couple.


Unknown said...

I agree he is a great speaker however ther is little substance to his speeches. All the "Change" talk is just that talk. What are his plans for change? National Health Care? Immediate troop withdrawl from Iraq without a plan,? legalized abortion? More taxes on the middle class? more taxes on business? These are changes I can't support

Unknown said...

I love her purple dress and I hope he ends the war