Sep 2, 2008

Newsflash: RNC & Ranting

The RNC is back on, and (thank God) GW and Laura Bush will be throwing their weight behind McCain tonight on the big stage. In honor of the non-stop-spin that is about to begin, I toss out my random political rants of the day:

  • Stop calling it Pro-Life & Pro-Choice when really it is Pro-Choice and Anti-Choice. Even Sarah Palin keeps talking about her choice to carry her newborn son to term despite him having down syndrome, and her daughters choice to carry her unplanned child to term. God bless America for allowing them to make their choices!
  • Along those same lines, how is it that one can be "Pro-life" and an avid hunter?
  • I really wish that educated young people would stop thinking that saying they are a Republican, like carrying a fake Louis Vuitton bag, will make them look more rich.
  • If I hear the response for being undecided or supporting McCain, "I am fiscally conservative but socially liberal" one more time I am going to puke. Fixing our nation, mending the economy and helping the poor requires responsible spending. If you are so fiscally conservative and socially liberal then why are you tolerating the trillions of dollars that we have spent and the thousands of lives that we have lost in the war?!
  • The Republicans are right, I am going to fall in love with Sarah Palin's story. Especially the part where her life story continues to be such a distraction to the issues-at-hand that she causes McCain to lose the race.
  • Finally, have a little fun this week while watching the convention and count along with me how many times McCain says "my friends." Slate did a great piece on his Mr. Rogers speech tic that you can check out here.


Justin Quandt said...

Hi Kellie,

I appreciate your enthusiasm and willingness to back up your points with research. Allow me to present an alternative perspective.

Normally when people say they are "fiscally conservative but socially liberal", as you describe, it means they believe in Libertarian principles (less government, more personal freedom). Libertarian's believe that a strong military is one of the core functions of government. It's really not contradictory for them to support military spending. By contrast, much more money is spent on Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, & Disability than is spent on the military, including the war in Iraq. Libertarians would like to get rid of such programs.

I would imagine that you will soon be part of the segment of the population that will be taxed more heavily under an Obama administration, if you are not already. Let me ask you this: given the choice, would you rather give $12,000 to the federal government, or $12,000 to a charity or foundation of your choosing? Put another way, do you believe the federal government can spend your money better than you can?

The most productive members of society already pay vastly more dollars in taxes, it doesn't make sense to also tax them at a higher rate. These are the people who provide employment to lower income people. When you raise taxes too high, there is no incentive for highly productive people to continue creating job and wage growth for others.

Similarly to how you feel educated young people say they are Republican to appear more rich, I feel that many educated young people think supporting Obama makes them appear cooler.