Aug 8, 2008

31 Great Ways to Spend a Birthday!

During the brutal Chicago winters I find myself longing for summer. I vow that I will spend more time outside, that I will go to the beach every weekend, that I will never complain about it being too hot, etc etc. On Wednesday, I took the day off work to celebrate my birthday and to finally stop to enjoy summertime in Chicago. It was long overdo, and it was well worth the time that I had to spend catching up on work on Thursday.

I kicked the day off with a run along the lake path with Nikole, and then I spent the afternoon with Deanna. That evening, a group of us ventured down to Millennium Park for a free concert and fireworks.

The day served as a reminder that simple things truly make me happy- warm sunshine, fresh produce, fashion magazines, homemade chocolate chip cookies and ice cream pie. I enjoyed and greatly appreciated every card, call, email and text message that I received from family and friends on my birthday. It made me feel very special and fortunate to have so many wonderful people in my life.

What a great way to spend a Wednesday! Enjoy the photos.


Unknown said...

what a wonderful way to spend your birthday....

Unknown said...

Love the red bag!