Mar 26, 2008

Show and Tell!

I am thrilled to announce the launch of the Target Designer Experience Gadget!

This is a Target & Google creative collaboration that I have been working on for the past 4+ months- and I am extremely proud of how it has turned out!

Why should you care? Well, first of all, I know that you love the high design/low priced items that you can find at Target Stores. That is why you can't get out of there without dropping at least $100- when all that you really meant to do was pick up some toilet paper and toothpaste. Well, this cool web gadget sends you the most up to date Target products and designer biographies from all of the guest designers who come through the Target stores. It is a website within a website- allowing you to interact with the products without having to leave the page. It will update weekly with new products. Play around with it here- and if you like it you can download it to your own iGoogle, MySpace or Facebook page by clicking on the "Share Gadget" link.

This is what I do. I hope that you enjoy!

I am going to sleep now that this campaign is live!

Mar 25, 2008

Satirical Perfection

Black Guy Asks Nation For Change

The Onion

Black Guy Asks Nation For Change

CHICAGO—Some residents reported seeing the black guy waving wildly and quoting from the Bible, while others said they spotted him shouting about global warming.

I have received several copies of this edition of The Onion, and after enjoying the article a number of times myself, I couldn't resist sharing it with others. Click on the headline to enjoy the generous helping of satire in this article.

Mar 24, 2008

Happy Freaking Monday

Every once and a while I feel the right to rant about random things that really get my goat. Today I have a few topics stored up for a nice, healthy post-Lenten bitch session. Enjoy!

A snowstorm for Easter

Yes, we had a snowstorm for Easter. It was so bad that it prevented us from traveling to see family in Milwaukee. I really feel like this winter has been the longest and most intolerable that I can ever remember. It is either due to a) global warming making our seasons more extreme, b) having a dog for the first time and being forced to venture outside in 1 ft blowing snow drifts for a potty break, or c) turning 30 and becoming increasingly more grouchy about things like traffic and the weather, which all old people seem to complain about.

Furniture Shopping

I hate furniture shopping! I hate the massive stores which have way too many choices. I hate the inflated retail prices which make a 50% off sale price just come down to the actual market value. I hate the hefty down payment to then just go home with nothing. And most of all I hate the waiting, waiting, waiting for weeks on end for something to arrive. Take for example our lovely couch, pictured above. Back on January 29th (when the weather was about the same as it is today) we ordered our couch with excitement and anticipation of its arrival in 4-6 weeks. Now, after 2 "anticipated arrival dates" which have come and gone- we are still waiting for that damn couch to arrive and we are getting more and more bitter each day. I am so excited to host a house full of people over the next 2 weeks with no couch. (DWS)

Shock and Awe Politics

I hate this speech- especially Hillary's patronizing tone and the horrible St. Patrick's Day scarf that she is wearing (will someone please hire her a stylist!). But I do love the parody of this speech and the message that it conveys. The lesson of the day is "don't forget to fact check." Really, are we here all over again again?! Are we going to let the candidates over-dramatize things, mislead the American people, and engage in a politics of fear?! I know that I'm not.

The end of my Monday rant (for now). More pleasant posts to follow.

Mar 19, 2008

My Favorite Easter Cartoon

Oh, and one more thing...because Easter wouldn't be complete without this cartoon.

The Big Bunny

Well, instead of the 800lb Gorilla in the room, I bring you the 43lb 3ft tall bunny! Don't you just want to tickle his giant feet?! Let this picture be a reminder that Easter is right around the corner.

For Catholics like me, Holy Week means a time of prayer (like last night when I was smooshed in the last row of my 5-hours-delayed-United flight and sitting on the runway for 1hr and 45 mins trying to get home to Chicago and I prayed, "Please dear God don't let anyone have to use the bathroom before takeoff"), fasting (Fasting at Google= 1 cookie after lunch instead of 10), and sacrifice (I gave up my seat on a crowded bus and took a cab to work instead- does that count?).

All joking aside, I love the joy and renewal of Easter. I will never forget the Easter Sunday where I was greeted at church by a gospel choir singing and clapping to "Oh Happy Day!" I wish you all a very "Happy Day," a relaxing weekend with your family, and a speedy and lovely spring to come!

Mar 18, 2008

Candid, Honest and Moving

Regardless of your political party affiliation or presidential candidate preference, I hope that you will take the time to listen to this speech. The sound bites being played in the media do not do the speech justice. Please take the time to watch it- or to read the full transcript here: NPR Obama Speech Transcript
It is one of those rare opportunities to experience a moment in American history.

Mar 17, 2008

Wham Bam from "Miss" to "Ma'am"

During my travels to Minneapolis this week I realized that somewhere along the line, I have officially transitioned to a "Ma'am." The rational side of me wants to attribute this solely to the fact that I am a married woman- and people are just trying to be incredibly polite. However the vain side of me cringes and wants to run out and spend exorbitant amounts of money on eye serum. I am not ready to be a "Ma'am," just yet, so you can call me Miss- Ms. Kellie if your Nasty.

Mar 13, 2008

An Italian Girl Sporting an Irish Name

Tonight was the Annual Google Chicago St. Patrick's Day Party. I must say that I do enjoy my Irish name during this time of year. It is the perfect accessory to my darling little green jacket and pint of Guiness!

Fun Fact

Fun fact from CNN:
"Super John" Eliot Spitzer is also a Super Delegate!

"{Spitzer's} resignation could be a factor in the U.S. presidential race. Spitzer was a superdelegate, one of nearly 800 party leaders and officials who cast their votes at the Democratic National Convention. They are free to vote for any candidate they wish. Spitzer was a political ally of New York Sen. Hillary Clinton, who is currently in a tight race with Illinois Sen. Barack Obama to win the Democratic nomination."

How touching, one sexually deviant powerful male supporting the once-victim of another sexual deviant powerful male. Oh, the irony.


This morning was a bit chaotic. Roscoe went back to the vet for a check up, Chad had to be at his client site north of Chicago, and I had a full day of client crisis-aversion to handle at work. I definitely felt the stress building as the morning moved along- and then I received a text message from my dear friend Erin (pictured above) which said "Still in Labor, Epidural is amazing!"

Well, if that doesn't put things into perspective, I don't know what will! Here I was, sweating about the small stuff, while Erin is bringing precious new life into this world. All my love to her, Simon and Ella! I can't wait to meet the new baby!

Photo courtesy of Erin's talented husband Simon- please visit his site to see his amazing work!

Mar 12, 2008

Welcome to my blog

Hopefully you will enjoy my photos and stories more than Roscoe is enjoying this car ride home from the vet on Monday morning with a cone head!

The blogging thing may be new to me, but I enjoy writing and taking photographs and sharing those things with my family and friends- so I thought that it was a great fit. I hope that you stop back often.